Keita Seafood


Bringing the Freshest Sashimi-Grade Seafood from Japan to Your Table

Welcome to Keita Seafood, LLC! We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality sashimi-grade seafood imported straight from Japan. Our mission is to bring you the freshest, most delicious seafood possible.

Our Mission

We democratize Sashimi

High quality seafood is not widely available at reasonable prices in most parts of the US. Our mission is to democratize fresh seafood. It is not only for Sushi or Sashimi, but also it lets you realize potentials of other cuisines. Low-temperature cooking method has been well studied and become one of the necessary techniques in high-end restaurants in Europe, and it is arriving in the US; we need fresh fish for that. We will also introduce "aged" sashimi, carefully handled to increase Umami, for top chefs.

Our Seafood

キハダ Yellowfin Tuna

カジキ Striped Marlin

ビンチョウ Albacore Tuna

ブリ Yellowtail

タイ Seabream

ヒラメ Flounder

イシダイ Striped Beakfish

カンパチ Greater Amberjack

Our Strengths


We bring best quality seafood from Hyuganada-sea of Miyazaki, where we partner with the top supplier of the region.  The fish is not frozen at any point between the port to your table so that the flavor and texture are kept intact.


Fish are processed immediately after regional auctions and extra moisture is removed. They are  vacuum-packed with drain-absorption pads. Our products have longer lives when kept at appropriate temperature. We ease your stresses in inventory management.


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in fish turns into inosinic acid over time after the harvest of the fish. Proteins are also transformed into free amino acids such as glutamic acid and aspartic acid. Those are major sources of Umami in aged fish.

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